How to successfully apply for grant funding

How to successfully apply for grant funding

The UK Government has announced its biggest boost in R&D funding investment since 1979. By 2020 spending on R&D will grow to an additional £2bn above existing spending, an increase of over 20%. The investment ramps up year-on-year to reach this level and means...
Innovation – a basket of snakes

Innovation – a basket of snakes

Innovation is a little like the lid to a basket of snakes. Underneath the buzzword there seems to be a swirling mass of options and opportunities, twisting and turning around themselves with venomous fangs of costs and barriers. Knowing just how to handle them and...
Competition as a motivational force

Competition as a motivational force

Competition is a consistent driving force in human behaviour and has inspired many of the greatest technological advances from the race between Elisha Gray and Alexander Bell to invent the telephone to the infamous rivalry between Apple and Samsung to create the most...
Choosing the right open innovation process

Choosing the right open innovation process

Companies and organisations looking to engage with digital innovation have a number of tools available to them in order to reach outside their internal research and development teams and engage with small, agile companies. In recent times two of the most popular ways...