Innovation Management Consulting & Training
Having a strong culture of innovation within your organisation can spark new projects, improve efficiency and give you an advantage over competitors.
Since the 2007/08 financial crisis, productivity growth has been lower than expected in the UK and has consistently fallen below predicted trends; this has been termed the ‘productivity puzzle’.
We have a responsibility to UK companies to help enable the significant turn around of our productivity and support our future trade opportunities, as well as ensuring improved resiliency and increased innovation output.
We can advise and help develop the structure of your innovation management.
An innovation management system facilitates all the processes needed to comply with ISO 56000. A successful system expedites the way businesses manage their innovation strategies so that the right processes are in place and a service or product launch won’t fall at the first hurdle.
It is a structured process of capturing, improving, evaluating, and sourcing valuable insight that wouldn’t arise through normal processes. The system captures innovative ideas from people across all levels of an organisation to build a collaborative environment that communicates effectively.
Our Services
Our CEO, Victoria Milne has been a a Technical Expert and contributing author for Innovation Mangement ISO 56000 for over two years. Victoria will work with you to build a strategy that intertwines innovation through all areas of your organisation.
“I love Innovation and how it can improve life for the better and I thoroughly enjoy learning and supporting new technologies, facilitating and managing global open innovation initiatives and am passionate about skills development and behaviour change.”
We will:
Advise on and develop the structure of innovation management
Ensure the right processes are in place
Intertwine innovation through all areas of your organisation
Facilitate and managing global open innovation initiatives
Skills development and behaviour change
Businesses need to incorporate ISO 56000 so they can better facilitate innovation in their organisations. Find out more about ISO here.
Our training services will help you develop the right culture within your organisation.
We support and coach your innovation team to develop and maintain the funnel, by managing ideas and challenges, storing and assessing concepts and keeping the momentum on the roll out of your innovation.
This assists innovation program leaders to launch, scale and measure their broad innovation activities, so they can focus efforts and achieve the best impact and return.
Ideact is our industry-leading Design Thinking training course. It teaches you to take a problem-solving approach in your business, career and day to day life. Find out more about the course here.
Download our Behavioural Innovation Guide
We’ve prepared this 10-page document, packed with hints and tips
See innovation process management in action
Learn about how we helped Bath Spa University to navigate the regional innovation system, through a programme of primary and seconday research